Thursday, August 23, 2018

Tooth Problems and Their Solutions Dental Problems and Their Solutions

Tooth Problems 

Tooth Problems and Their Solutions Dental Problems and Their Solutions. Often taking care of teeth in childhood and eating more toffee, sweet smell, there are many types of dental problems in the teeth. With proper care of teeth, we can make teeth stronger and beautiful because if the tooth is healthy then we can consume the items of our choice throughout our life. Tooth Problems and Their Solutions Dental Problems and Their Solutions.  With this, the beauty of the teeth increases the beauty of the face and by taking proper care of the teeth, we can get rid of the pimples of teeth and the smell of breath. Teeth care is very important and we can get rid of big problems related to teeth using normal things at home.
Tooth Problems and Their Solutions Dental Problems and Their Solutions

1- Cavity in the tooth:-

A cavity in teeth or decay of teeth is a big problem in teeth. You can also call this problem like a toothache. Cavity occurs in teeth when the plaque formed on top of the teeth creates a type of acid in combination with sweet and starch in the food we eat.

This acid attacks the protective layer of our teeth. The upper layer of the teeth, called enamel, starts eliminating from this acid attack. It causes the problem of a cavity in a tooth. A cavity is sweeter and starch in the teeth than eating foods containing starch. That is why children can have cavity problems.

Along with aging, when dental enamel starts to descend, even when the cavity becomes a problem. In it, the teeth begin to rot and the pit becomes inside the teeth. Many times it is also possible to change the tooth. If there is the pain in your teeth while eating food, it feels cold or hot in the teeth and if food gets cheated in the teeth then you can have cavity problems.

To avoid cavity in a tooth

  • Brush twice a day
  • Use fluoride toothpaste
  • Have a regular check with your dentist
  • Do not eat more sweet food
  • Do not use cold drinks in the teeth.
  • Use soft brush

2- Sensitivity in the tooth:-

Sensitivity in the teeth is a big problem on one side. Due to sensitization in a tooth, cold or hot food causes pain in the teeth. There may be many reasons for having sensitivity in teeth such as the cavity in a tooth, enamel degeneration, tooth decay or infection in the jaw. Treatment of teeth is possible for you to contact your dentist and take some precautions.

  • Do not rub the brush more
  • Enamel rinse with fluoride water to strengthen
  •  Do not take sugar-free chewing gum for treatment of chewing gum
  • Use sensitization toothpaste

3- Gum disease:-

Dental teeth may also have to be removed even after having any type of infection in the gums of teeth. There are many reasons for having problems related to gums, but the ones that affect most are smoking, gutkha etc. Apart from this, weakness of sugar and disease resistance can also be due to diseases of the gums. Gum blisters in the gums, bleeding gums, and a smell of mouth etc. Things to keep in mind when there is gum problem.

    • Brush twice a day
    • Do not use Pan, Gutka, Tobacco, Beedi, and cigarettes
    • Rinse after eating
    • Make a paste of garlic buds and apply it on the gums.
    • Put clove oil on gums

    4- Pallor of tooth:-

    The yellowing of teeth is also a major problem. When the tooth is yellow, people clean the teeth with a dentist, doing so, there is a danger of entering the dental enamel. Which can cause problems of sensitivity, cavity, and other teeth? Let's know how to remove the yellowing of teeth.

    • Rubbing on the teeth by mixing salt and water in baking soda
    • Rub the orange peel powder on the teeth
    • Rub salt on lemon juice and rub it on the teeth
    •  Brush water after meals

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